"A girl should be two things, classy and fabulous."
- Coco Chanel

Friday, January 15, 2010

sick of this namby- pamby wishy washy nonsense

It's cold. Very cold. I'm sick of it. Very sick of it. I get bored of this snowy-ness once holiday break is over. As much as I love my cashmere, I want my shorts back.

I am also beginning to ponder the idea of a shorter haircut, just because I'm getting bored of it. I was thinkingggg, maybe something really drastically short, a la Tao Okamoto bowl cut. But I don't know. I doubt that it's for me, but it might look nice, because t has the bangs, which I need, because of my humongous 5-head. (Like fore-head, except bigger. Tehe.) But the last time I cut all my hair off, in 6th grade, I regretted it.

See, I've been trying to grow my hair all year, since I saw that Alexander Wang show in September where all the models has super-long hair in a said braid. I have a good three inches to go to get to that length though. Patience is not a virtue I possess.

See, she even has my bang thing going on.

I just think that I need to figure something out, because this weird medium- length hair is driving me bonkers.

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