I write to you from my car, as we are currently driving my brother to indoor soccer practice in Danbury. The roads are nasty, so my computer is bumping all over the place, which makes me a tad irritable.

The weather is B-A-D bad, all of the snow, which was bad enough is now turning to slush, because we are having some rain. The sky is a dark gray. It's enough to make a peppy pre-school teacher intolerable to be around, much less me. Ahhh, woe is me. At least the last of that dreadful snow is going away though...
On the brighter side, when I came home from school my mother let me go through her jewelry box, because she doesn't wear half the stuff that's in it. And I must say, I did have several good finds.
She has all of these turquoise necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings. They are marvelously summer-y and, well, happy looking. I don't know about you, but I certainly haven't seen such a happy collection of beads in awhile. I now want to pack up and go somewhere warm.
I almost want to wear them all at once, over all white, because they are all of various shapes and thicknesses, so they would just look awesome. I also think that they would all put me in such a happy place that the weather wouldn't slash couldn't affect me. They make me wish that this winter was over even more, but alas, I have a good two months left.
There were also this (fake) pearl necklace and bracelet. I just found them so interesting, because they are hugely bulbous, and it almost looks as though they would hurt you neck and wrists to wear them.
These earrings are clip-ons, but they make me feel very sophisticated, probably because of their size and the fact that they look like they are made of precious stones or something. The extreme dangley-ness is rather nice too.
My mother is being a hand model there. I'm rather fixated on that bracelet, which (I don't know if you can see) is entirely covered in buttons. It's so vintage I can't stand it.
I believe that I may have to steal all of these pieces in the dead of night, because now that my mom knows they're there, she might ACTUALLY wear them. Duhn duhnn duhn DUHHHHNNNNNNN!!!!
Deeeerooo.....you chased my "reds" away. You are a great additon to the interweb, and I just love you...