"A girl should be two things, classy and fabulous."
- Coco Chanel

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hail the resentful housewife

I've been rather obsessed with the 50's lately, particularly housewives, and these Anne Taintor magnets capture my feelings perfectly. We're in New Jersey and there's a store here that sells them. I may have to buy some. And then a magnetized surface to put them on. Please excuse the over-paste, as I like them a lot.

if by "happy" you mean trapped with no means of escape...? then yes, I'm happyold enough to know better... too young to give a rat's assspit in your soup? why ever would I do that?#%&@*!!!!!!my garden kicks assbite mesublimating my ambitions has been every bit as rewarding as mother told me it would beguess where I'm tattooedwhoever said "less is more" had probably never had quite enough "more"

go here for more joy.

(I don't want to talk about Parsons now because I don't have photos and the entire post would be meaningless mumbling without them. I would even be confused. But let me just tell you before I move on, it was probably the most eventful and interesting thing that has happened thus far in my rather uneventful life. That's all.)


  1. suspenseful...and i love the pictures, even if they do swear. :)

  2. I'm loving the same era right now. the Dior resort collection really expresses it well. Lovin' the pictures, and thank God you finally posted!


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