"A girl should be two things, classy and fabulous."
- Coco Chanel

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



I've been terribly lazy lately, and there weren't any sort of postings, but I'm NOT going to do that anymore. I pinky-promised myself, if you'll believe it. But right now, I think I have some oddly abstract case of blogging block (see how clever, like writers block...) and so you see, I don't really know what to write because there are probably eight hundred thousand things that I could say.

It was my birthday on Monday. YAAAAAAAAAAAY. I don't feel older or wiser at all now that I'm fourteen. In fact, I feel more immature, because Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part one comes out November 19th and I can't go anymore than 45 minutes without reminding some poor bystander about it. (That works out to at least once per class period.)

I haven't even the slightest inclination as to what to write next, so I think it would be wise to recap on the Project Runway I missed and get back to this tomorrow.


  1. happy birthday drew! and its friday..so post! haha. and deathly hallows i know! i just read the book again for what? the ninth time? probably. we should see midnight premiere!!


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