Sorry, those few of you who may be reading me, for my lack of posts last week. My internet died, and I was having computer-related meltdowns everyday. So sorry to keep you waiting, whoever you are. Anyone? Is there anyone there?
So that was my outfit Friday. I recently was given maybe six pairs of brightly colored tights and I honestly can't think of a time I've been more excited to look like I have crayons for legs. Then, my dreams were crushed because I heard it was supposed to be ninety degrees today and I thought I'd never get to wear them. But, the devil prevailed again, and the heat never rose over 45. It's like I'm being teased by nature. And nature's really good at pushing my buttons.

Michael Stars t-shirt, J. Crew blazer, Fogal tights, Ralph Lauren shoes and Ogo shirt/ dress thing
Michelle Smith must also enjoy crayons. It reminded me rather literally of Milly's winter show, but I hadn't consciously been inspired by it or anything. Must've been some weird sort of connection I made sub-conciously in my head. I wonder what other ideas I'm retaining but not aware of? A lot, probably, but none of them are of much use.
Drew you have such cute crayon legs...and I, for one, definitely missed reading your blog. Go AT&T!!!!!!!!!!!!!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo