adjectiveSally and Marv were elated at the idea of becoming grandparents: thrilled,delighted, overjoyed, ecstatic, euphoric, very happy, joyous, gleeful, jubilant, beside oneself, exultant, rapturous, in raptures, walking on air, on cloud nine, in seventh heaven, jumping for joy, in transports of delight; informal on top of the world, over the moon, on a high,tickled pink. ANTONYMS miserable.
I believe that you will now understand my happiness for this small victory. My favorite is "in transports of delight." Quite clever, isn't it? I think I may just use that one...
So, right on que, the Lilly Pulitzer catalog came in today! SPRING IS COMING!!! Lilly is always the mark of spring! Always.

My thing with Lilly is that she's great in small doses, but one can only stand so many happy, bold, colorful prints before they begin to feel suicidal or the need to hurt the nearest screaming infant. Was that too much? Sorry.
I believe that you will now understand my happiness for this small victory. My favorite is "in transports of delight." Quite clever, isn't it? I think I may just use that one...
So, right on que, the Lilly Pulitzer catalog came in today! SPRING IS COMING!!! Lilly is always the mark of spring! Always.
My thing with Lilly is that she's great in small doses, but one can only stand so many happy, bold, colorful prints before they begin to feel suicidal or the need to hurt the nearest screaming infant. Was that too much? Sorry.
Hahahaa I totally agree...a little Lilly goes a long way. As for the screaming infant thing, perhaps we should keep those thoughts private. Just a suggestion. Come on Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!