The J. Crew catalog came today. I pine for the soft Italian cashmere and knee-high leather boots, but they will come in due time. I have an excess of those already. Now, I must focus on something far more garish: feather jackets.

The glamour of this consumes me. A feather jacket such as this one would make it impossible to have a bad day, so it would be worn every day. This must sound really superficial of me, with material possessions making me happiest, and, well, I have no argument. It's true, and I enjoy every minute of it.

That, my dears, is what I call love at first sight. I wish I didn’t call everything else magnificent now, because then you would truly be able to understand my feelings towards this vest. You don’t know how many hours I have spent online shopping for this under $500. You can, however, imagine how much success I have yielded. Correct, none.
The catalog also gave me an idea. Actually, that’s not fair, It didn’t give me an idea, I stole it.

White brogues with a wedding dress! I think that they will be my shoes of choice when I marry, not that I don’t have twenty years to change my mind…