Rodarte. No matter how many times I watch it, there is always something else that I don’t totally understand, or at least, something new that keeps me interested. It seems new and fresh every time.

The tribal-arms thing is quite interesting. At first, I was under the impression that all the models had tattoos down their arms, like boho- biker chicks (an odd combination, when you think about it…), but then I realized that was stupid, and fifty-something models wouldn’t all decide to tattoo their arms all the way down- before the same show. So now I can’t decide whether they had some arm-pantyhose type thing, or if the marks were painted on. If they made tattoo pantyhose’s, I'd want some. I’d be fabulous. Fabulous.
It is also my understanding that the pieces are made from materials that have been destroyed. They were sandpapered, burned, aged, and quite a bit of other things to make the poor fabrics a shadow of what they used to be. But I liked it, oddly enough.
Typically, I don’t go for the gothic look, (it just looks pitiful when I try, or why bother?) but this had me intrigued. The women coming down the runway looked primitive, and angry, like they were going to eat me, but to use the most cliché word in fashion, it was chic. There was passion, and a story behind this collection. They all flowed together mysteriously, making you hunger for more, and want to understand why, why in world would these beautiful women be dressed in tatters and patches? Had they once been African queens, but been dethroned and exiled to the badlands where their ornate robes were reduced to rags and they were forced to scavenger for scraps of dead meat? Like in The Lion King? Were they so irate-looking because they were on a mission to retake their throne and kill the worthless scum that took it away from them? How could they possibly do this while wearing those Nicholas Kirkwood heels???? I want answers.

Really love the third look, here is the link to my blog, i'm just starting it now.