Anyway, my concentration for the time being is on the lingerie as actual clothing trend that you would have to be both blind and deaf not to notice. It was in nearly every show that I saw for this season, from Marc Jacobs to Dolce and Gabbana to Missoni.
In order: Marc Jacobs, Jean Paul Gaultier, Alexander Wang
Pretending for a moment that we are all gorgeous Amazonian s who weighed 60 pounds soaking wet, this would work nicely. Unfortunately for us, we are not, and it is my belief that only the woman who is 6'2 can even dream of pulling off a corset and briefs- in any environment. A sad fact of life, indeed. But, there are other factors that contribute to make this a rather unwearable trend. Pretty as it is, I doubt this type of garment is suitable for any workplace, you'd be fired for indecent exposure. I'd also imagine it'd be a bit embarrassing to walk around in your underclothes all day.
And people like me couldn't even begin to think about trying this because we would be shunted out of our little sheltered communities, for being extremely bizarre-looking or something. I'm sure it's a law here. It'd be worth it though, just to drive people insane. Muahaha.
funny and so well written. if we saw a woman on the street in Manhattan dressed like that, we would be so puzzled and freaked out. i think if you can get away with it and it feels right then why not???? my two cents.