It's not the recent collection that I am so infatuated with, but the spring 2010. I've been looking at more of this season than the winter 2010 ones, just because I'm sick of winter and pretty spring clothes make me feel better. We all deal with weather differently, my way just happens to be staring at collection after collection on the computer until I feel catatonic with longing. Perhaps it's a bit self destructive, but I like it.
Annnywho, I present to you my obsession...

The color scheme calms me down sooooo much. I love it. Greens, beiges, browns, DONE!!! I don't need anymore colors after that. No more. I am perfectly fine staying monochromatic, thank you.
I love superbly military minimalistic attitude in these clothes. There's no fluff. I also am extremely attracted to how contrasted it can be, like the all the way buttoned up oxford with the teensy- tiny shorts. Like they are disobeying a dress code at the navel base or something. I don't think they wear green in navel bases though. Or do they? I was under the impression that it was a sort of blue. Something to try to ask someone, but I'll probably forget anyway, so never mind.
I also think that the socks must be mentioned to do justice to them. I LOVE SOCKS. I also like socks and sandals in this case. However, they skeeve me out when you see them on overweight men on the beach in New Jersey. There's a fine line there.
Excellent commentary on a rather noteworthy collection....well written and I couldn't have enjoyed it more. Thanks doll