"A girl should be two things, classy and fabulous."
- Coco Chanel

Friday, February 5, 2010

something for me to ponder at late at night...

An injustice was recently brought to my attention. Well, I guess it isn't an injustice, per say, but I am offended as a fashion week lover. My mom cut out an article in the New York Daily News paper about how some celebrities are paid up to $100K by designers to sit in the front rows of their shows. Yes, I know, confusing.

The designers... pay.... celebrities... to sit at their shows... but not the other way around?...
(my train of thought, above)

I suppose I understand. They want them there so that their clothes look more appreciated by more important people, and so they become more popular.

However, I'm upset about this revelation because the celebrities are the ones who can pay to see the shows, so maybe the designers should just let less fortunate people sit in the front row instead! (ex. me.)

I also learned that Lady Gaga won't be taking any money for going to shows, which increases my respect for her greatly. I find her amusing, just because she's the only one who would go to the Grammy's dressed like... well, that.

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