Have any idea where these are from?
Want to guess what I want? Those. THOSE THOSE THOSE THOSE THOSE.
I've been having a real boy-meets-girl fixation right now. You know, flowing dresses under thick sweaters with clunky boots with socks. This was probably brought on by the J. Crew catalog that I've also been a bit focused on.
Well, the boots are basically everything I want wrapped up into a pair of shoes. The socks, the leather, and the rubber sole all scream masculine, but then contrast with the height makes me swoon. I've been staring at it for who knows how long. The only thing that's stopping me is the price. $258. Sigh. I suppose that will have to be a Christmas ask-for- gift, which is far too much time to wait for my comfort---even though they've already put up the Christmas decorations in the mall. (Ridiculous, no?)